Friday, October 20, 2006

Lions and tigers and bears oh my...
After hitting the beach yesterday, today was zoo day. My sunburn and I headed over to Taronga Zoo with my cousin Duncan, who's living in Australia for a few months. The zoo is arrayed on a hill overlooking the harbor, so is best accessed via ferry.

As far as zoos go, Taronga is high on the list. It's a large selection of animals in modern, well-landscaped enclosures with excellent signage/information. For me the Australian animals were the highlights - all matter of kangaroos, koalas, wombats etc. At the end of the day, when the zoo was fairly empty, we were even treated to the sight of moving koalas. Since they spend more than 20 hours a day sleeping, to see them even twitch a muscle is pretty rare. Plus there was a baby. So that's kind of the koala grand slam.

The afternoon was punctuated with a dramatic thundershower. From the zoo, we could see the storm moving in from downtown Sydney, the skyscrapers disappearing into the gloom. After about 15 minutes of wind & rain, the storm moved on leaving the zoo in a delightful "freshly washed" state.

After the zoo, Duncan and I headed to a hotel for drinks until my friend was finished with work. We ended up having dinner at a rather posh, but pleasantly quiet restaurant overlooking the bridge. Our decidely less fancy desert was ice cream at Circular Quay.


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