Thursday, October 19, 2006

It was a day of the lost being found - first the sun and then my poster!

The day started out cloudy, but what a difference in the temperature!! Over the space of two hours in the eary morning, the temperature went up about 8 degrees C. 27 C at 10am would be record setting in Scotland, but it seems normal here.

Not knowing when the poster would be delivered, I opted to hang around in Clovelly for the morning. After throwing a load of laundry in, grabbing my mobile and slapping on some sunscreen, I headed out to walk along the coast to see the beaches. Right across the street, and down a steep slope from the Elisabeth's flat is Clovelly Beach, which is a deep and protected. Much of the beach is sandy, but the sides are lined with stone/concrete piers from which you can swim or sit & watch the scenery.

From Clovelly, the path winds along the top of bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It proceeds through a graveyard, and the alongside Bronte Beach. Bronte, like Bondi is a broad crescent of sand with great crashing waves. On one side is a wonderful salt water pool, refreshed by a pump. It must be incredible to have these beaches close by, to be able to jog or walk along the ocean each morning. Even midweek, there were a number of people swimming and chatting alongside.

Despite the clouds, it was hot and muggy, so I didn't walk any farther than Bronte. (From Bronti the next large beach is Bondi).

Meanwhile, the poster seemed to be in eternal customs limbo. But the Qantas rep I talked to midday seemed horrified at the idea that I'd sit around waiting for it when I could be doing more interesting things. So I headed into Sydney to do the Harbor Tour.

I really enjoyed finally getting to see Sydney from the water, and exploring the nooks & crannies of the various bays. Even better, the clouds finally moved off half way through the cruise, leaving the city with a bright blue backdrop. It was finally the the version of Sydney that you always see in the photographs. The Opera House looks even more dramatic in the sunshine - it's still mindbloggling for me to be seeing it in person.

The poster finally arrived around 9pm, a bit bashed at one end, but intact.

If the weather holds tomorrow, it's surftime!


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